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I am looking for a 2 or 3 bed villa with pool to rent in Quesada from 30th July for two weeks. Plz text Nathan +44 7866772808. Thanks. Sharon. Spanish Life Rentals.


Remedy For Anger

The greatest remedy for anger is delay. ~

Los Balcones

CAM Bank to Close 122 Branches

Caja Mediterráneo (CAM) is continuing with its cost reduction plans, to be implemented this year, which will result in the closure of a total of 122 branches, 27% of their total network. The bank are confident the implementation of its recapitalisation strategy will yield “rather positive results”.

These cost reduction measures will see the closure of 1 in 4 of CAM’s branches during 2011, six months sooner than the official forecast. Fifteen closures have already been implemented to date.

Regarding staffing, the organisation said that since the approval of the redundancy plan (ERE) in June, they have already produced a reduction equivalent to 37% of the plan for 2011.

They also highlighted that as far as recurring overheads are concerned, the measures initiated during the second quarter of the year will allow a reduction of five points above the recapitalisation plan target for 2011, making the percentage reduction around 16%, excluding extraordinary items.

The Intention is to Save more than 200 Million Euros

The board of directors of Caja Mediterráneo approved the submission of their recapitalisation plan to the Bank of Spain late April and as a result, from now until the year 2015, it is projected the efficiency ratio will improve up to 50%, resulting in recurring savings of more than 200 million euros and profit levels above 15%.

As reported in El Mundo, the bank said that in developing the plan they “have been mindful of the new competitive environment and foreseeable market developments over the next five years, as well as regulatory requirements for solvency and liquidity.”

Thus, the approved plan “includes the development of various initiatives on operational restructuring and cost cutting measures designed to place the productivity and efficiency of the Bank at levels required in the new competitive and regulatory climate.”


This is another blow to the financial and Spanish economy. According to the Cam bank they will be making 6,500 redundancies due to the streamlining of the organisation, this will be from 2011-13.
When are things going to get better as it seems to be going on for ever.

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-22 08:38:40 UTC

It does not sound very encouraging for the future. Really hope they get their act together and start to create more work for everybody.

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-07-22 10:18:21 UTC

In my job I meet many diverse clients from various nationalities and unfortunately the ones that are struggling are the Spanish and to an extent the British as the euro has taken a bashing. The more affluent countries are all the scandanavian ones, Germany, France, Switzerland and Belgium the remainder seem to be suffering quite badly.
Sadly I cannot see any change for at least another couple of years minimum.

Commented john in Quesada 2011-07-22 13:28:36 UTC


We have booked our table for the fiestas at the Comyc bar/restaurant today. Talking to the owner Pepe he tells me that he has more than 60/70 + customers booked each night for the 2 main moors and chritians parades.
This will be only the second time we have actually seen the parades and being able to relax without having to worry about working through them and missing everything. Really looking forward to the special evenings.

Posted about 10 hours ago by john


Hi John,
Do you know if they have any more room for 4 people as this is our first time at the fiestas.
I have checked several other places but they are all fully booked. Thanks

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-07-22 10:16:11 UTC

Hi js,
Not sure but his diary looked pretty much full! Just go and see Pepe and ask if he can squeeze another 4. Let me know how you get on!

Commented john in Quesada 2011-07-22 13:23:38 UTC


Does anyone know of a villa with private pool to rent from 7th August for 1 week. It is for 4 adults and 2 children :)

Music Allowed OUTSIDE or Not ?

Last night we went to the White Swan. It was very nice sitting outside having a meal/drink, BUT Jimmy Mac near enough spent the whole evening inside - it's like a furnace in the bar area. PLUS, wait for this - the Karaoke singers also had to go inside. This is absolutely ridiculous.

How come some of the bars/restaurants can get away with music outside, and others can't, OR are too scared that the police will close them down?

I heard that Jeff had warned off the police to allow the music to be outside until say Midnight (which is quite late enough). The best part though - obviously at the end of the evening when people have had quite a bit to drink, they wish to join in, so the crowd outside The White swan were singing their hearts out (remember Karaoke inside) and you can't even see the person singing. Are the police going to tell the customers they cannot sing after a certain time? What is going to happen with regard to this ???

La Marina

If I was a Tourist here I would think that everyone had gone stark staring mad. Inside the bar area where people are being MADE to sing is at about 100c . Time Jeff and the Police and Owners got together and sorted it out LIKE NOW. The season is starting so in a few weeks time will be far too late. Action is needed NOW.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-21 08:02:42 UTC

I spoke to Jeff on this subject a short while ago.
He told me that he wanted an open forum with the Police and the Bar Owners to sort out the problem once and for all.So that everybody knew where they stood,but he could not convince me that the one single complaint made against noise by any person would be treated more fairly than it is at present,so being realistic,until someone on the council has the balls to change the rules nothing will change

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-21 09:10:55 UTC

If I remember correctly the new councillors were "sworn in" on 11th June, that is according to my calculations 40 days ago, very nearly 6 weeks.
I would imagine that either you or I could, if we were empowered to do so, convene a meeting between the councillors, the police and bar owners in a maximum of seven days. Incidentaly do the police not follow the instructions of our council/mayor?
Let us forget Jeff, in fairness to the bloke he decides nothing in this community?
If the PP wanted this sorted then they would sort it?
If the PP wanted us to have roads then we would be surrounded by tarmac lorries.
If the PP wanted us to have an animal ambulance we would have one?
Even I, Jeff's strongest critic, is being lenient since it is bocoming obvious as time passes that poor Jeff decides nothing!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-21 09:45:49 UTC

That sounds like an excellent idea to me Angelique. Do you think you can arrange this and sort it out once and for all?

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-21 09:54:08 UTC

Just a lot of Words Sounds like they play for time.
All those singers last night deserve a big Medal.

Commented Sunshine in La Marina 2011-07-21 10:08:02 UTC

You have it right there Alan - No one on the council has any balls by the seems of it.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-21 18:33:08 UTC

We had a meal in the grey area tonight and then stopped at AJ's on the way home as there was a Karaoke on and Ronnie enjoys singing on the Karaoke, but while he went inside to sing, we all sat outside as there was 9 of us and they had to shut the door because they had had a complaint from a person living over the other side of the road!!!! It was only 9.30pm!!!!!

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-21 20:57:39 UTC

Not to worry Linda - it looks like Angelique or Alan will sort out this problem -
6 days to go !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-21 21:08:59 UTC

Oh I do hope so Carol, bring back some life into the bars in the grey area especially and bring some more money back onto the urb from the tourists.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-22 06:21:31 UTC

I dont know where or when i said I could sort out the noise in bars problem,All I have done is voice my opinion as to how ludicrous the present situation is.I have been to Jeff about this problem but am realising nothing will be sorted.i have also asked if anyone has been to see the Mayor when he comes to our satellite town hall,so I can judge if it is worth taking time to see him on this subject.
I remember you having a gripe about the same problem,What have you done about it ?or are you willing to do something about it?Or Dont you care how are treated on this subject?Or are you one of the 'we cant do anything ,so let them treat us with contempt brigade?At least I am willing to stand up and be counted

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-22 07:21:01 UTC

Angelique - this is part of your posting yesterday. By your comment you are referring to you (as Alan):

If I remember correctly the new councillors were "sworn in" on 11th June, that is according to my calculations 40 days ago, very nearly 6 weeks.
I would imagine that either you or I could, if we were empowered to do so, convene a meeting between the councillors, the police and bar owners in a maximum of seven days.

I don't know why your having a bloody go at me all the time ? Yes, of course I would like something done. It affects us all who go out to the restaurants/bars with music.

I would like to point out to you Angelique that myself and Ian work full time running our business - we are very busy people - not retired like you (I presume) and have lots of time on your hands and have time to nit pick all the time and pick fault with people !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-22 07:35:17 UTC

Observe the words "IF WE WERE EMPOWERED TO DO SO"
I am certainly not having a go at you at all? If you would be good enough to scroll up to my message you will note that you are not mentioned at all?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-22 07:59:05 UTC

Sorry seem to be at cross purposes,I have never said I would or could sort out the problem regarding noise or music in bars.
On re-reading the comment from Angelique,What was written was a comment from Angelique to me stating that she thought that IF we were empowered to do so ,we would of by now have had that meeting.
The fact they we are NOT empowered leaves us as bystanders.
I hope it was just a mis reading by you that caused you to get upset,and although you specically aimed it at Angelique,in case you also meant it for me.Yes i am retired and yes I can find time to nit pick if i wanted to.
But in case I have for some reason annoyed you,I suggest you re-read some of the comments i have made when i have sided with you,when i felt someone was having a pop at you.Hope that clears any misunderstanding between us.
The main point is that we all believe the present action by the police is too heavy handed and is frightening bar owners into becoming sub servient beings,We need to shout and keep shouting until this council and the police start to listen

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-22 08:06:02 UTC

"The main point is that we all believe the present action by the police is too heavy handed and is frightening bar owners into becoming sub servient beings,We need to shout and keep shouting until this council and the police start to listen."
The Council and Police are doing a great Job of making this whole area look Ridiculous.

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2011-07-22 09:48:58 UTC

I think the general concensus on the problem with music in bars,is generally yes it does need to be sorted and quickly.
I was wondering if it would be possible to go to the new council office en bloc on a morning when the mayor is also in the building and make our protest loudly and vehemently,I am sure that if we can get enough support for an hour (including bar owners and staff),and we invite a few local newspapers along and even a local t.v company,we will at least embarress this council into doing something constructive.
Is anybody out there,willing to give it a try.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-22 10:17:59 UTC

Ananda's Bar

Serving Itailian Food with excellent choices which include a 10" pizza and pasta dishes for 5 euros from 6pm - 9pm Monday - to - Friday, great service as well.

Then on a Thursday night they have a music quiz, Friday and Saturday Nights Karaoke from 9pm - to Midnight.

Ananda's is situated in the Grey Area.

Mazarron Area

Apache plumbing services: we cover the majority of Murcia Region on 24/7 hr emergency call outs. From a blocked tiolet to a complete re design of your bathroom or kitchen, Call us for a no obligation quote: 0034 674 788 693 mobile or our office on 0034 968 970 614 ( Answerphone service) We will call you back.


Is there a date yet for the new Airport at Corvera Info that is correct seems to be in short supply.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2011-07-18 10:58:38 UTC

Works on the Airport are now due to complete at the end of this year and the facility will open to passengers in spring 2012 following final Government approval.

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2011-07-22 09:31:11 UTC

Holidays......Book your Holiday here

Estepona Villas
Holiday Rentals
Holiday Homes

Estepona Apartments and Villas Costa Del Sol

Spanish Holidays direct from the Villa and Apartment owners Estepona Costa Del Sol
Estepona is a charming old town with a great range of shops and plazas and busy nightlife. On the waterfront you can visit the Marina or choose from three beautiful long sandy beaches all of which offer a good range of water sports. The Playa de Cristo is a cove with particularly safe bathing ideal for small children. Have a drink or sample freshly caught fish in one of the beach bars known as 'Chiringuitos' which you will find all along the coastline. They offer very good value for money. The weekday market is always busy and attracts locals and holidaymakers alike.



Does anyone know were I can hire a travel cot for 4 days?


I have a travel cot that I could rent to you? What dates were you looking for?


Commented info in Quesada 2011-07-04 10:27:04 UTC

I have a travel cot thats up for selling.... mamas and papas, great piece of equipment....excellant condition 25 euros..

Tel: 693 596 533

Commented jason from jpsfitness in Quesada 2011-07-04 19:17:55 UTC

Hi, I offer a holiday cleaning service here in the Quesada area but I also have items such as travel cots for hire. The cost for the travel cot is 15 euro per week or 2.50 per day. You can view my service on this web site. Lisa.

Commented Lisa40 in Quesada 2011-07-04 21:15:08 UTC

We hire travel cots out cost 10 euros a week
" Home From Home Property Management "

Commented karenbav in Quesada 2011-07-05 04:35:12 UTC

Hi Neil
im am only looking for the cot for 4 days, for a friend who is coming over with us, would you take 20 euros for it, and how could I collect it, (I don't arrive until about 9 30) and we need it this night, could you may be drop it off at the court yard pub in Quesdada and I will get Emmerson to give you the money?

cheers Dee

Commented Dee in Quesada 2011-07-13 19:44:59 UTC

Hi Dee

Yes, that's fine. I'll drop the cot off at the Courtyard later today.



email: [email protected]

Commented info in Quesada 2011-07-14 08:49:14 UTC

Great thanks Neil :-)

cheers Dee

Commented Dee in Quesada 2011-07-14 11:20:04 UTC

Hi Jason

thanks for the travel cot, it was great

regards Dee

Commented Dee in Quesada 2011-07-20 19:39:49 UTC

Hi Dee

I think there has been a bit of confusion about the travel cot. I thought you wanted to rent the cot as you mentioned in your original post. I wasn't selling mine.

I believe that you are returning in a few weeks and I'm happy for you to use the travel cot then - but I do need it back in September for friends that are coming over. Can you email me please: [email protected]



Commented info in Quesada 2011-07-21 09:24:07 UTC

hi Neil
sorry about the confusion, but it was Jason I ment to send the message to as he was selling one for 25 euros, so 20 euros for 4 days hire was a bit pricey, i am returning on 27th August so I will return the cot then

Commented Dee in Quesada 2011-07-21 09:53:34 UTC

Oh eh Dee.... !!!

Let me know if you still need one when you return as its just stored..

jason 693 596 533... [email protected]

Commented jason from jpsfitness in Quesada 2011-07-21 18:26:16 UTC

Hi Dee
No problem - I did wonder why you offered 20E when others were advertising a 10E hire. I'm quite happy to drop 10E in to the Courtyard for you as a partial refund of the hire price. If you could hand the cot in to the Courtyard on your return that would be much appreciated. I'll be back in the UK then but I will arrange for someone to collect it. Can you email me when it is ready to be collected please.

[email protected]



Commented info in Quesada 2011-07-22 06:52:56 UTC
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